+ 33 762 666 353 + 41 78 674 81 99


"Meily Real Estate is a company specialized in brokerage, assets management and property development , you will find us at Neuchâtel, Vaud, Fribourg, Valais , Jura, Lake Geneva and the international real estate market of EU, Turkey, also at some Arab countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Our Values

"The philosophy of MEILY Real Estate is based on a deep commitment to the values of transparency, efficiency and ethics. Values that shape our identity and guide us in the daily management of your projects.

To Build a Strong rapport with our clients

"Whether you want to sell or buy a property, we seek to establish a strong rapport of trust with our clients. MEILY Real Estate, convinced that by the attention and listening that we can meet your expectations in a personalized manner.

Your benefit from our expertise

"Our expertise is demonstrated through the overall monitoring, we provide: support of your application by a single broker, your single point estimate of your property at its fair value, with our perfect knowledge of the local market after sales service:

Develop the spirit of innovation

In constant quest for improvement, MEILY estate attaches great importance to technological advances and new communication tools. That's why we strive to offer you the most innovative solutions for the development and promotion of properties.


Always listening, resolutely turned towards the future, it is the strength of our expertise, our listening and dynamism that we engage with you in the realization and completion of your project!


Toujours à l’écoute, résolument tournés vers l’avenir : c’est forts de notre savoir-faire, de notre écoute et de notre dynamisme que nous nous engageons à vos côtés dans la réalisation et la finalisation de votre projet immobilier!